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The Sensible Pedagogy of Gilles Deleuze : The Meaning and
Possibility of Sensible Thinking through ¡°apprenticeship¡±
Choi, JIin A
Konkuk University
Today¡¯s education is systematically programmed for the purpose of
knowledge acquisition. Such education system only emphasizes knowledge
activity, failing to provide character, moral, or creative education. For
Gilles Deleuze, on the other hand, the purpose of education was never
knowledge acquisition. Rather, education meant training and teaching the
process of apprenticeship to approach sensibility so as to reach thinking,
which is totally different from reasonable thinking. Knowledge acquisition
here is only a secondary product obtained through such apprenticeship
process; it can never be a goal.
For Deleuze, apprenticeship meant to train a new thinking movement that
stimulates sensibility different from rationality through accidental
encounters with sign. In other words, apprenticeship is ¡°the adventure of
the involuntary¡± where all objects are accepted as ¡°sign¡± and training and
paideia to learn thinking through sign. Here, the most important thing in
apprenticeship is creative thinking to discover new things. In this regard,
as a new educational discourse on the standardized and customized
education focused on employment or college entrance, Deleuze's paideia
is expected to suggest a new type of apprenticeship practice and education
Keywords : Gilles Deleuze, paideia, apprenticeship, art, sensibility,
image of thinking, sign, creation.