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A Study on the Compatibility between Universality and Distinctiveness in Global Citizenship Education
Yi Young Jae(Hanyang University)
Kyung Hee University Humanitas College "World and Citizen" lecture aims at global citizen education. In order to the World and Citizen's course to develop in accordance with the intention of the with the intention of cultivating future talents who fulfill their responsibilities as global citizens, the contents of the World Citizens, which provide the theoretical background of the GCP, need to be maintain both universality and specificity. This comparative perspective will develop students' problem-recognition skills. This article suggests the need for improvement in two dimensions. First, there is a need for a balance between special and universal from the Western central paradigm. Second, since World War II, the view that reflects the modern history of the Cold War needs to be reinforced. It is important to grasp the current situation and task through comparison of specificity and universality so that liberal arts education for global citizens who can respond to rapidly changing global issues can be implemented more effectively.
Key Words : Global Citizen, Liberal Education, Universality, Specificity, Eurocentrism